When the Jesuits started working in education in Nagaland, one of the main needs was to train some of the students from the North East to become teachers in schools. All the schools were asking for trained teachers and it was very much felt by the Jesuits in 1980s. Most of the time we had to hunt for teachers from other states of India to come and teach. Our focus was on quality and for the locals to be trained for the primary education. Though St Paul has done this yeomen service to the north east in all these years of its existence yet it remains a priority since over the years many more educational institutions have come up and need for trained teachers still remains a main concern.
Jesuit Education is to make men and women for others and with others. It takes seriously the social context and it asks the students to involve themselves in communities where they would like to become the agents for social justice, equality, sharing and deep respect for cultures and the environment. I wish St Paul Institute of education will be able to train people not only to impart quality education but also with some social awareness where they journey with the trainees and the people around. I wish all the success and God’s blessings on this institute and the staff and the students.